Sunday, July 12, 2009

Breaking it down.....BARNEY STYLE

July 12th, 2009

1 Peter 3:13-17

Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fearb]">[b]; do not be frightened."c]">[c] 15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 17It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.

A pretty popular verse and it rings true for me almost on a daily basis but I think a problem most Christians have (myself included) is being able to be prepared to give an answer at that persons level. We all have our answers whether it be from years of studying at seminary, reading the Bible, learning about history and the history of the bible on our own, yada yada yada its all great but what if the person who asks you the question doesn't speak "churchanese"? Then all your doing is speaking words that sound like gibberish to them....

Yesterday I ran into it face first. How do I know the Bible is true? I gave some answers that in my mind made sense. But on the other hand this guy stood there and just looked confused. So how do we break it down for someone that needs a simple answer...well not quoting to them a bunch of History first of all because most people could care less about history, especially in the Army. If Soldiers liked history they would have went to college, so whats my excuse well ask me sometime and I will tell you how GOD took me from there to here. Anyways the point is, as a Christian when we are asked to give an answer Peter wasn't saying spit um out a bunch of theology and expect um to just get it. Nope he was saying be prepared always to give an answer...some people want to hear a huge long drawn out explanation about how the Bible was GOD inspired through chosen men written down and stood the test of time, dead sea scrolls and the whole shebang....others not so keen on that just want to hear our story and see what GOD has done for us and how he can help them. I always used to call it "Breaking it down Barney Style" because it would be so simple a child would understand.

So whats the right answer...there isn't a "right" answer but hopefully your answer will be the one that either plants a seed or brings the seed to bloom so that the person can truly see what the reason for your hope is, and hopefully that is Jesus Christ. Sometimes it just boils down to having faith and what is faith? Well you can do a word search for it or wait til I go off about it in one of my blogs.....I suggest you do a word search for it in Hebrews Chapter 11, because who knows when GOD's gonna lay it on my heart to talk about it.

Bottom line like a good Soldier you should always be prepared. We train to fight and win, Athletes train to fight and win, Christians NEED TO TRAIN TO FIGHT AND WIN!!!!

I love you guys

GOD Bless


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason! This is Dan Cartwright and I met your bride at a gathering of military folks from your church at the Rainey home this last Saturday. I don't attend Calvary, but have been involved with a ministry that's all about believers in uniform for quite a few years. I was there to offer our resources to folks at your church. When I found out you have a blog, I wanted to get in touch with you.

I like this blog! I am really busy at the moment but will come back often. If you want to learn more about this old soldier, you can visit me at